Case Studies

We're delighted to have such moving feedback from our guests, please see below in their words. If you'd like to share your experiences with My Black Dog, you can email us. Thank you.

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XX case studies
Key worker

I was working as a key worker during the pandemic when I reached out to my black dog. When everyone was safe at home I had to commute on public transport in the depths of winter and I felt very afraid and vulnerable. I was also pregnant at the time and found myself feeling very lonely and tearful on one of my commutes.I reached out and had company and reassurance on my commute. It was so easy to access and so comforting and I will be forever great-full of the support.Reach out if you need it, we all do from time to time and I promise it help

They are incredibly patient

I just wanted to pass on some positive feedback for one of your volunteers, "JB". I've used your helpline a few times and all the volunteers are lovely, but I've spoken to JB on two separate occasions and they've been so helpful. They are incredibly patient, really make an effort to understand what I'm going through, and respond in a very thoughtful and supportive way. They are also very down-to-earth and genuine, making it so easy to connect with them, which I haven't really experienced with any other volunteer, or even with any other helpline I've used. I'm often very emotional and in considerable distress when I first reach out to a helpline, but after talking to JB I feel much calmer and - most importantly - I feel less alone.

Until I needed your service, I had no idea you were there.

The agent I chatted with was swiftly engaged , very understanding and helped me a great deal.

It would seem I was lucky I got someone who had been through a similar experience, so knew exactly where I was coming from , he was a good man is all I can say.

They were kind, and honest

I can’t believe how safe I felt, talking with the agent... they were kind, and honest, but also helped me realise that I’m not alone, and I never really thought about it so closely until I chatted with them.

Thank you so much, My Black Dog, and a special, enormous thank you and best wishes to the agent, because they were someone I don’t think I’d ever have expected and someone who’s help I sure won’t forget!

It might even have been the most, objectively best talk about my own mental health I’ve had with anyone in my life, and I have them, and this unbelievably supportive site, to thank for that.

When I discovered My Black Dog my life completely changed

I came to My Black Dog because I hit a really low point in my life, I was in some really dark places. When I discovered My Black Dog my life completely changed, I’ve met some really lovely people through this website and I’m so grateful.

Whenever I’m feeling down I always turn to this website and someone will always answer my chat and make me feel better instantly. When I was on sick leave for 2 weeks from work due to my depression I used this service a lot then and all I would do is cry and cry and everybody was so kind towards me.

My Black Dog has helped me because it made me feel better about myself it’s made me remember that’s there’s people out there who are going through the same things/have been through the same thing and it makes you feel less alone when you’re talking to someone on My Black Dog.

I would 100% recommend My Black Dog because it’s helped me so so so much and I use it pretty much every night in the weekdays as that’s when I struggle the most.

I feel less alone

I just wanted to pass on some positive feedback for one of your volunteers, "xx". I've used your helpline a few times and all the volunteers are lovely, but I've spoken to xx on two separate occasions and they've been so helpful.

They are incredibly patient, really make an effort to understand what I'm going through, and respond in a very thoughtful and supportive way.

They are also very down-to-earth and genuine, making it so easy to connect with them, which I haven't really experienced with any other volunteer, or even with any other helpline I've used. I'm often very emotional and in considerable distress when I first reach out to a helpline, but after talking to xx I feel much calmer and - most importantly - I feel less alone.